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In June 1925, for the sum of $60,000, the Board of Education purchased 8,385 acres from the estate of Hannah E. Workum located on the south side of Clinton Springs Avenue and the east side of Washington Avenue. The Workum homestead, a stone mansion, was equipped as a temporary school to provide expanded facilities for this rapidly growing community. The school, named the North Avondale Colony of Avondale School, was opened on Monday, February 7, 1927, with 157 pupils. By 1929 the enrollment had increased to 233 pupils including kindergarten through grade five.

Because of sinking foundations the building was condemned and immediately abandoned on October 9, 1939. Three years later it was demolished. Since no funds were available for new buildings, most of the children were assigned to the Avondale School.

With the passage of the $16,000,000 bond issue in 1944 and with street improvements installed, the Board commissioned E. C. and G. T. Landberg, Architects, in September 1945 to draw plans for a new school on the same site. The plans were approved August 1947 and the general contract was awarded to the Penker Construction Company. The total cost of the school with construction, equipment, architectural and site development amounts to approximately $650,000. The building contains fourteen classrooms, kindergarten, playroom, lunchroom, gymnasium, auditorium, community room, arts and crafts room, teachers' room, and office and medical suite. It was opened to students on September 6, 1949.

The school was established as a demonstration center where teachers of the Cincinnati Public Schools and teachers-in-training could observe experienced and well qualified teachers working with pupils. It was the first new school erected in Cincinnati in sixteen years and embodied a number of advanced technologies.