What is Montessori?
Montessori Education’s main goal is to help children develop a sense of social responsibility. This is done through hands-on learning in multi-age classrooms prepared with materials designed to stimulate the child’s powers of imagination and reason.
Montessori Philosophy
The Montessori philosophy emphasizes that children have certain psychological tendencies that need to be recognized and nurtured. Montessori teachers are specially trained to guide children through the developmental levels. North Avondale Montessori School's academic classes are comprised of the following age levels: 3 to 6 (PS-1, P-2 and K), 6 to 9 (Grades 1-2-3) and 9 to 12 (Grades 4-5-6) Following the Montessori philosophy of having a three-year cycle at each age level, permits the teacher and parent to follow the child — along with building a strong community.
The Montessori curriculum includes Great Lessons dealing with the beginning of the universe, the history of the Earth, the history of numbers, and the history of oral and written language. Children research aspects of these lessons and often study topics that are interdisciplinary.
Dr. Maria Montessori developed her methodology and philosophy in Italy nearly 100 years ago. Montessori was trained as a medical doctor, and she based many of her educational methods on her acute observations of children. It is interesting that principles of Montessori education are being validated by current research in neuroscience.
Montessori families recognize that children are the hope for the improvement of our society, and so students are encouraged to appreciate the contributions that have advance out earth to this point. By studying and appreciating these contributions, out students begin to see the connections among all things and people in the universe are emphasized in Montessori education.
Montessori Parents
In a Montessori school, extensive parental involvement is required — such as taking children to the library and other places to conduct research needed for the completion of homework projects. Research projects require the production of a product and a report. While the teacher is teaching small groups of students, the other students continue to work quietly. Students are expected to become self directed over time. Parental support is critical if this is to occur.
- Parents are expected to provide students with instructional supplies needed for the completion of class work and homework.
- Routine daily homework is in addition to research projects.
- Homeroom teachers and specialists teachers may give homework.
- Parents are expected to attend meetings and conferences scheduled by teachers.
- Parents are expected to attend Parent Information Evenings to learn about the Montessori Method and materials or other topics of note.
Montessori Students
- The child is responsible for his/her own learning.
- Each child is responsible for making a daily work plan, following their plan, and completing their work without close supervision.
- Students learn by working with the Montessori materials over and over again.
- Children are responsible for asking for help when they need it.
- Children are expected to complete their work without being told to do so.
- Children work alone sometimes and work in groups other times.
- Children are expected to help each other learn by giving help when asked by another students.
Montessori Teachers
- The teacher is a guide or facilitator to learning but does not dictate or control the learning process.
- Teachers teach students how to use the Montessori classroom materials.
- Teachers observe their students from a distance as the children find solutions to problems. Teachers do not solve problems for the children.
- The teacher is the primary role model for industry, grace and courtesy.
- The teacher works with the children to establish and sustain a functional classroom community of acceptance, appreciation, harmony and order.
Our gifted and talented students engage in the STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) sponsored by Drake Planetarium. Students are selected based on Terra Nova scores. For academic enrichment, we offer tutoring by parent and community volunteers during the school day as well as after hours, an Extended Learning Program for grades 3-6 after school, and Study Island, which is a test preparation tutorial program, accessible to students at school, home, or wherever they have an internet connection! Some students benefit from small group Study Island practice sessions after school. We are doing all we can to prepare our students to be their very best.
Fine Arts
North Avondale offers classes in the Fine Arts including:
- Physical Education
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Band
- Library Media
After School
We offer many after-school programs as well as arts enrichment programs throughout the school day. Programs such as Suzuki Strings and Flute, Museum on Wheels, Playhouse in the Park, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Children's Theater complement our rich Montessori tradition of teaching and enriching the whole child.
After school offerings also include dance, foreign language, piano, soccer, boy scouts, girl scouts, yoga, babysitting, Uptown Arts and chess.
We also offer Suzuki Strings and Flute, a fee based optional music program during the school day.